
Welcome to Vicarage Quilts - thank you for visiting.

I offer several services: longarm quilting, patchwork and appliqué workshops and small items made to commission. In the past I've also made quilts to commission as well as Church or School banners for Walking Days and permanent display.

Please visit the pages listed on the right hand side to find out more and email me with any queries.

Monday, 29 April 2013


Cute fabric = cute quilts, no matter how simple the pattern chosen.

These two cot / lap size quilts are some of my work done over the Easter holidays – in June I’m running some ‘patchwork basics’ workshops and these were my samples.

I’ve decided on the second quilt for the workshop, as I think it will be possible to complete it in the day – I’ll let you know how that goes, and post more pictures when I've got them both quilted: at present I'm waiting (impatiently!) for backing fabric to arrive!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Together, in faith

The banner for St. Elphin’s School is complete, and I’ve handed it over – it’s a bit like giving away a child after so long!

I’ve really enjoyed making this banner, and I think that’s partly because the fabrics in it are so beautiful.  Why have one or two colours when you can have dozens?  I do love making things with lots of colour.

This is the reverse, which will be on show when the school walks with the banner at Warrington Walking Day each year.  You can see some of the quilting radiating out from the centre.

A close up of the quilting -  I wanted it to be reminiscent of flames, as there is a candle in the centre of the design to symbolise the light of Christ at the heart of the school.

I added the candle and flame after the quilting was complete, as I wanted them to be prominent.  The candle is a lovely ivory silk and the flame – well, something man-made and glimmery that was – ahem – ‘interesting’ to work with!

As well as (hopefully) being something pretty to look at as it hangs in the school, I hope the banner does inspire those who see it to learn, care, serve and share in the strength of Christ at the centre of their lives. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Farewell Mrs Ellis!

One of my friends at work left yesterday for a new job, and we couldn’t let her go without a keepsake.
She’s been instrumental in developing reading with hundreds of children over the years, so one of her fellow Teaching Assistants drew me a picture to represent her and I made it into a little embroidered wall hanging.   

We’ll miss you Mrs Ellis!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Waste not, want not...

This is what I made my hubby for his Easter present.

I made it with some gorgeous green silk and scraps left over from the St. Elphin’s banner (which is finished,  but not handed over yet – I’ll post about it when I’ve given it to the school.)

Can you tell what it is yet? 

Does this help?  (Remember I'm 'Vicarage Quilts', and Vicars live in Vicarages...)

Yup, it's a stole, green for use in Ordinary time.  I can't show you a picture of it in use because we're still in the Easter season, and himself is prone to pulling funny faces on photographs anyway - (some of the wedding photos looked like I'd married Wallace from Wallace and Gromit, although that may have been due to the inordinate amount of time you have to spend smiling whilst getting married...)

Lovely, lovely colours.
